Correlations of Energy-Minerals Prices and Consumer Energy Prices
L. David Roper
2 July, 2016
I thought that it would be interesting to see if the prices customers pay for energy are correlated with the market prices for the minerals from which the energy is obtained. The correlation coefficient for perfect correlation is 1; the correlation coefficint for no correlation is 0; the correlation coefficient for perfect anticorrelation is -1.
Correlation of Appalachian-Coal Prices and Consumer-Electric Prices in Blacksburg, Virginia
Correlation of Natural-Gas prices and Consumer Natural-Gas Prices in Blacksburg, Virginia
Correlation of Crude-Oil Prices and Gasoline Prices
- The correlation between crude-oil market prices and consumer gasoline prices is very high (0.990).
- The correlation between Appalachian-coal market prices and electricity rates in Blacksburg, Virginia is moderatly high (0.595).
- The correlation between natural-gas market prices and consumer natural-gas rates in Blacksburg, Virginia is somewhat negative (-0.374). They slightly anticorrelate.
Minerals Depletion
L. David Roper Interdisciplinary Studies