Solar Insolation Computer Codes for Windows
There are two FORTRAN codes for calculating Solar Insolation:
- Berger ( code
Insol.f: This solution is suitable to compute for a 1,000,000 period
centered on the present day. The code was meant to be compiled on a Unix
machine and calculates only for one year. I revised the code to calculate a
range of years and compiled it to run on a Windows machine
(InsoMY.f=Inso for Many Years). The files in the zip file are: InsoMY.f, InsoMY.exe, (contains the input parameters), Inso.out,
InsoMYSession.txt, READMEBerger.txt (this file). I use the solar
constant 1367 watts/m^2. (See
- I also have developed an Excel workbook for doing the Berger
calculation. It is 7.5 Mbytes zipped and 17.5 Mbytes unzipped. If you want a
copy of it, let me know (
and I will put a copy of it on a disk and send it to you.
- Laskar (
code Insola.f: This solution is suitable to compute for -20,000,000 in
the past to 10,000,000 in the future. The code was meant to be compiled on a
Unix machine and required that another code, prepinsol.f, be compiled and run
first. I revised the code and compiled it to run on a Windows machine
(InsolaSA.f=Insola Stand Alone) without the need for running the
prepinsol.f code first. The files in the zip file are: InsolaSA.f,
InsolSA.exe, InsolaSA.par, InsolaSA.out,
InsolaSession.txt. I also created a version that writes the output file
with only the insolation values in a column, to make it easy to import the data
into a spreadsheet. Those files are also in the zip file: InsolaWOnly.f
and InsolaWOnly.exe. The input data files must
be downloaded from They are
PREC0P.ASC.Z, which must be unzipped and placed in the same directory as
the InsolaSA.exe and the InsolaSA.par files. The parameter file, InsolaSA.par,
has the solar constant 1367 watts/m^2, which can be changed by an editor. (See
L. David Roper (