My Favorite Computer Programs for Windows 7

L. David Roper, E-mail:, Blacksburg VA
Program Name Program Description

Utilities for Microsoft Windows

Microsoft Security Essentials Protect against computer viruses and worms.
InSync Directory synchronization between disk drives.
Power Archiver File compression into archives; includes self-extracting archives.
Icon Restorer Remembers desktop configuration for different resolutions.
Press: CTRL-PRTSCR Captures the entire computer screen into the clipboard.
Press: ALT-PRTSCR Captures the current window into the clipboard.
Spybot Search and Destroy Find worms and Trojan Horse on a PC and protect against them.
Karen's Clipboard Viewer View text, bmp files, wmf files and dib files on the clipboard.
Clipboard Manager (WIN7 gadget) Store text to be easily transferred to the clipboard.

General-Use Programs

VuePrint Graphics viewer, manipulater and converter.
Dreamweaver My favorite web-page creator.
Microsoft Office Office Home and Student: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote
Office Home and Business: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook
Office Professional: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access
If you cannot afford MS Office, try Open Office.
Adobe Acrobat Convert any document to a PDF file by the print command. Enables graphics, text and Internet links to occur as you place them in a document. PDF files can be read by any computer.
Quicken Good way to keep track of your bank accounts, investments and loans.
Microsoft Calculator Plus Standard, scientificand units-conversion calculator
Microsoft Streets & Trips Good trip mapping and trip calculations for U. S., Canada & Mexico.
Microsoft AutoRoute Good trip mapping and trip calculations for Europe.
Sun Clock Shows world time zones and location of daylight and nighttime.
DogPile Search Internet with many search engines.
Google Earth Travel around Earth maps
Kindle for PC Read Kindle books on a PC.
Enguage Digitizer Digitize an image file that contains a graph.
A Better Calendar You can search for entries and dates.
Microsoft Gadgets Many small programs that can be kept open on the screen.


Personal Ancestral File Genealogy data storage and manipulation.
Brother's Keeper Genealogy data storage and manipulation. Good reporting facilities.
PHYLIP programs Several programs for inferring phylogenies from DNA data.
TreeView Phylogeny tree-drawing software.
City Search Find cities and counties and ZIP codes.

Science-Oriented Programs

SETI@home Lets you help in international search for extraterrestial intelligence.
Climate Prediction Lets you help in calculation of Earth models of the climate.
Amaya WYSIWYG editor & browser for XML/MathML.
Scientific Workplace WYSIWYG editor & browser for TEX math formatting. Also uses Maple to do symbolic and numerical calculations and graphing of equations.
MathType WYSIWYG editor for inserting math equations in MS Word.
TableCurve 2D Fits equations to data, including user-defined equations, and plots the results.