Y-Chromosome Biallelic Haplogroups

L. David Roper (roperld@vt.edu)

Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Trees

Y-chromosome haplogroup tree
The Journey of Man, A Genetic Odyssey
by Spencer Wells, p. 182.
Information about the Y-chromosome haplogroups.
Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2007

Migration Routes

Biallelic SNP markers are single base-pair mutations (polymorphisms) that occur at different Y-chromosome locations about once every 7000 years. SNP=Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. There are over 150 known haplogroups. Haplotypes defined by the 31 STR markers are subgroups under the haplogroups

HAPLOGROUP DEFINITIONS: Family Tree DNA provided the following thumbnail summaries of the different haplogroups :

R1b1 Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker
Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
F(M89) 45,000 Middle East->South West Asia
K(M9) 40,000 South West Asia->North Central Asia
P(M45) 35,000 North Central Asia->North West Asia
R(M207) ? In North West Asia
1(M173) 30,000 North West Asia->Europe
b(M343) ? In Europe
a(M18), b(M73), c(M269), d(M335)    
c1(M37), c2(M65), c3(M126), c4(M153), c5(M160), c6(M167), c7(M222), c8(P66), c9(S21), c10(S28)    

The Journey of Man, A Genetic Odyssey by Spencer Wells

R1a Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
F(M89) 45,000 Middle East->South West Asia
K(M9) 40,000 South West Asia->North Central Asia
P(M45) 35,000 North Central Asia->North West Asia
R(M207) ? In North West Asia
1(M173) 30,000 North West Asia->Europe
a ? In Europe

E3b Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
M145 ? ?
E(M96) ? ?
3(P2) ? ?
b(M35) ? ?

G Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
F(M89) 45,000 Middle East->South West Asia
G(M201) ? ?

I Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
F(M89) 45,000 Middle East->South West Asia
I(M170) ? ?

I1b Haplogroup:

Y Biallelic SNP Marker Years Before Present Migration Route
M94 ? In Africa
M168 50,000 Africa->Middle East
F(M89) 45,000 Middle East->South West Asia
I(M170) ? ?
1(P38) ? ?
b(P37b) ? ?

Probable human migrations out of Africa

Migrations of humans out of refugia after the Last Major Ice Age (~12,000 ybp)

See http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mcdonald/WorldHaplogroupsMaps.pdf for Y-chromosome and mtDNA haplogroups maps.

Migration routes: