Kingdom of Tonga
The Kingdom of Tonga is on the right side of this Google map:
The darker the blue the deeper the ocean.
For a scale to the map, the distance from Nuku'alofa, Tonga to:
- Suva, Fiji to the NW: 464 miles (746 km)
- Apia, Samoa to the N: 552 miles (889 km)
- Rarotonga, Cook Islands to the E: 963 miles (1550 km)
- Wellington, New Zealand to the S: 1508 mile (2427 km)
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, where I lived for 10 months in 1983, to the W is 2630 miles (4233 km)
- Papette, Tahita to the E: 1690 miles (2720 km)
- Brisbane, Australia to the SW: 2046 miles (3292 km)
- Tokyo, Japan to the NW: 4896 miles (7879 km)
- Singapore, Singapore to W: 5681 miles (9142 km)
- Beijing, China to the NW 6083 miles (9790 km)
- Panama City, Panama to the E: 6809 miles (10,958 km)
- Washington, DC, USA to the NE: 7544 miles (12,141 km)
There are 171 Islands, 48 of them inhabited by 102,000 people.
Maps of Kingdom of Tonga
Clickable Tonga map
Map of Tongatapu
Importing gasoline in drums to a Tonga island
![](graphics/TongaGasoline.jpg) |
![](graphics/TongaPalace.jpg) |
The latest news is that 93 people went down with the boat. That fraction of the 102,000 population of Tonga would correspond to 280,000 people being lost of the U.S. population of 307,000,000. What a horrible tragedy!
My daughter, Truda Gaye Roper (left), on the Princess Ashika a week before it went down:
She works for the Peace Corps.
L. David Roper,;